There's always debate among pet owners about whether or not to let the dog on the bed.Composite Start -->

For the other half that don't, what are you waiting for? Of course there are valid reasons not to let your dog on the bed, but also many reasons why you should.
If you are on the fence, here are 8 reasons that might help persuade you to let "fido" snuggle next to you.1. They are like an extra soft blanket that keeps you warm.
If you are on the fence, here are 8 reasons that might help persuade you to let "fido" snuggle next to you.1. They are like an extra soft blanket that keeps you warm.

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A recent study by the Mayo Clinic found that the majority of people who let their dog sleep with them said that their pet helps them relax and fall to sleep.

Psychologist Stanley Coren cites speculation among anthropologists that human-animal co-sleeping may even be encoded in our DNA, or theirs.
Dogs would have kept ancient man warm and protected them from predators or hostile people.