This Dog Is So Excited About Reuniting With Her Human That She Literally Passes Out

 Have you ever noticed how a dog canComposite Start -->

 remember their human after long periods of time?

Their tails don’t wag for just anybody!

Dogs can actually recognize a person’s scent and face just by looking at them.

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The following video from Rebecca Svetina has been played more than 46 million times on YouTube, because it’s seriously just that amazing.
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After two years of working abroad in Slovenia, Rebecca received the warmest welcome imaginable from her adorable schnauzer, Casey, when she returned home to Murraysville, PA.

In the adorable clip, we see Casey going absolutely wild when she first sees Casey.
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But after a few seconds of nonstop barking, Casey seems is so happy, amped-up, and full of adrenaline that she collapses on the gravel, right there in front of her surprised human.
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Rebecca wrote that Casey was seen by the vet and she’s perfectly normal, she just got a little too excited and had to take a little breather.

If you’ve ever been away from someone you love, you know exactly how this scenario goes.
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Please SHARE this video on Facebook if Casey put a smile on your face!

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